I hope no one heard us

July, 28—30, 2018

Liza Bobkova / Alexander Sedelnikov. Audiovisual installation.


Curator: Anna Zavediy

Secret is the luxury of silence in times of total transparency. The secret accumulates its physical meaning inside a man — where everything is unspoken, and not shared.

Shared visual story about oneself satisfies the logic of the development of a virtual counterpart. The community’s view is unconsciously assumed in the material and serves as a filter of what will be presented and what will be not. What is not shared is accumulated, sublimated in ourselves, becoming extremely substantial. Now the material “me” is itself a secret, that I do not share. To avoid schizophrenia of mismatch the secret must be revealed, but not via narration that will break its mysterious essence, but via public celebration.

“I hope no one heard us” — is a celebration of one secret. Feast of the opportunity to leave something to yourself, keep secret, not broadcasting anywhere. The secret is divided between the two, has its own character and mood, has a material expression in its own precedent and further in preservation. But with all this load, the secret is a restless matter. It connects people with “telepathic substance”, and is separated from the others by a semi-transparent screen of silence. Liza Bobkova and Alexander Sedelnikov will create a place of secrecy. A place in which the norm of presentation will be changed, just as it happens on a festive occasion: the invisible will be seen, unheard to be heard, and unread read.